Now a day’s most of the time these questions stuck into mind.1. What is most important in life? Success or Happiness?
2. Does success brings happiness? 3. Or can happiness bring success in life? “Too........confusing right!!!” But still everybody runs behind them. Some are struggling to get successful, so after achieving that particular goal they will be happy. But the important question here is, Does success really brings endless happiness in anyone’s life? Or Happiness can bring success in life? Answers to all those questions are really simple. You just need a right spectacular to detect it and to catch the real fact. Since you were kid, generation to generation it has been taught that if you have good grades or so and so degree and education you will be hired for a nice position. And then you will be earning so called hell.....of money and then you would be happy. 1. Does money can really buy you an endless happiness? 2. And what about the people they taught you that you will be happy once you have achieved so and so things? 3. Are they really happy with their life? 4. Are they really happy with what they are doing? 5. Has really success brought happiness in their life? “Any clue.....? After all what is the reality?” “The reality is happiness is the secret path to success. Happiness can bring enormous success into your life. If you are happy with what you are doing then success will Come to you in abundance.” “Happiness is the key to success.”
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February 2019