The secret of the happiest, prosperous and successful life lies between the past and future. Don’t mourn for the past or worry about the future just try to live best in the present moment consciously and wisely.Just remove all the unwanted burdens on your mind and fill your mind with endless possibilities and positiveness to always stay happy and live your life beyond the limitations. The truth is that there’s no such limitations which could bind you back from staying happy and reaching your destiny. It’s all just a mind game. In short the things between the mind and matter.Simply and wisely make it a choice to live in the present. Choosing the past or the future not only robs you of enjoyment today, it robs you of truly living and most valuable moments in your life. Make it a goal to live in the present moment.Just learn these few tricks to start living your life in the present. Keep Smiling This is your free and most powerful weapon. Each day is full of endless possibilities! Start it with a broad smile. You are in control of your attitude every morning, keep it optimistic and expectant. Fully appreciate each moment Positively welcome each and every moment in life. Whether it’s good or bad. Though it’s worst moment in your life, learn the art of transforming it into possible best moment of your life. Every day bring out your best Whichever work or job you are doing. Give it your best so tomorrow there won’t be a moment you will have to regret for. It will also help you to take your professional and personal live two steps ahead. Stop thinking about the past
I know its bit harder than saying but with the little consciousness and practice it’s possible to leave the past behind. Isolate yourself for some time from all the situations which tends to pull you back in the past hurts. Just simple solution applied for all the ghosts is forgive past hurts and let them go. If you are still worrying about past hearts then you are simply wasting your precious time. It’s not good for your health or wealth. Just choose to forgive and move on. The harm was their fault. But allowing it to impact your mood today is yours. The single minute of anger or worrying robs your sixty seconds of happiness. So as a wise person you better know ghosts never worth even these sixty valuable seconds of your life. Work hard to fulfil your dreams There are only a few people; they really work hard on their dreams. Dream big set your goals and plans for the future. But don’t forget to work hard to reach your final destination. Don’t dwell on past Achievements Don’t west your time just talking about your past. If you do so then you are simply wasting your today’s best moments. Tomorrow they will be your past so use a present moment consciously. Stop worrying. Stop!!! worrying about past or future, whether you worry or not tomorrow is anyhow going to come. Anxiety has never accomplished anything for anybody so just redirect your mental energy on some possessiveness. Think beyond the limits Don’t hold yourself back from moving ahead. Our mind and brain powers are unlimited. Just believe yourself and dare to take first step towards your destiny. One day you will automatically build a path which will directly take you to your destiny. Use each step and each moment consciously and wisely.
February 2019